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​​The situation in which a significant number of people whose well-being is negatively affected by very low or no consumption of energy (due to reasons like high electricity cost or lack of proper access), use of dirty or polluting sources of energy or fuels, and/or excessive time spent collecting fuel to meet basic energy needs, is known as Energy Poverty.

As electrical energy is the driving force behind various categories of developments of the modern day world, energy poverty causes several indirect adverse effects to a given community. For instance, spending excessive time collecting fuel, and/or very low consumption of energy can hamper modern education as well as limit and/or slow down productivity, and threatening to cause a whole chain of further problems, whereas the use of dirty or polluting energy sources poses its own sequence of adverse social, environmental, and health effects.

​​This night-time image composite by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center shows the extent of energy poverty in Africa; compared to all major populated parts of the world, almost the entire central Africa lacks sufficient energy to light up their homes, businesses, and streets at night. Source: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Public Domain​​

This website aims to explain ways of reducing energy poverty by achieving the ability to provide much cheaper and cleaner power for the world, while also taking sustainability, dependability, efficiency, feasibility, and geographical suitability into consideration. With better energy solutions put forward, this website also aim to present brief solutions to the next major cause of damages to the environment; transportation, which like almost everything else, also greatly depend on energy.



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